Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn, discussions and images




We may be extremely late. But nothing beats the satisfaction of getting our first Animus ever!

2:01 am, September 16, 2014 submitted by Demonologyx [link] [17 comments] View

Hullbreaker Isle Tips/Boss Guide

2:01 am, July 9, 2014 This is by far and away the easiest dungeon introduced this patch. Very quick and easy. Boss 1 - This ape wants his bananas! In all seriousness, this gorilla isn't too tough. He has an AoE cal [..] View

I just have to express my feelings to you all

2:01 am, June 30, 2014 Hello fellow Final Fantasy players! So I've played the FFXIV beta for PC with my friend for 2 hours to get a quick first impression. And to admit, I didn't like it at all. This was mai [..] View

What would be the optimal materia for a pentameld on the Cashmere Skirt of Aiming?

2:01 pm, June 4, 2014 Some of my FC recently cleared T5 and want to move on to T6, but I am the only one so far with Bard at 50. My current gear for Bard is at i86, but I'm planning on farming Leviathan and possibl [..] View

Cyber ethics of the MMO Crafter

2:01 pm, May 2, 2014 So something I have noticed lately. I have a few crafters able to 3 star. Only 1 or 2 of each gear up at a time usually on my server, so its me vs another guy. I don't understand why the gear [..] View

If RNG loot isn't the answer, then what is?

1:01 am, March 23, 2014 I've been thinking about this a little, and wondered how people thought the loot system could be better. What if they did this? What if each new turn dropped one guaranteed one random piece of [..] View

I wish that you could craft with items currently held by your retainer.

1:01 am, March 20, 2014 One thing Guild Wars 2 seriously beats FFXIV out in is the crafting wallet, or whatever it's called. All crafting items exist in their own space, not cluttering your inventory, accessible with [..] View

New to tanking; How do you handle adds?

1:01 pm, January 28, 2014 I'm a lv26 GLD and I recently got Rage of Halone. That completely solved my single target threat issues, but in boss fights with adds that spawn, how I picked them up. I've tried every [..] View

My staff made a new friend.

1:01 pm, January 2, 2014 submitted by anjunaxbeats [link] [13 comments] View

The best way to spend your time in queue.

2:01 am, October 8, 2013 submitted by anjunaxbeats [link] [4 comments] View

So you've hit level 50 crafting, where's the money? A guide for new crafters

2:01 am, October 5, 2013 Right now, FFXIV has a funny economy, but with a little know-how you too can learn to abuse it for profit! This guide is aimed for our newer level 50 crafters, if you aren't level 50 already, [..] View

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