Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn, discussions and images




How do you prevent Godzilla forming in T9 phase 2?

2:01 am, October 13, 2014 Currently trying to progress in T9 with my static and we're having a major issue with the Golems in Phase 2. On every attempt we've made so far (must be over 20 by now), the golems fus [..] View

So Japan has Godzilla, Eorzea has a Nck!

2:01 am, October 10, 2014 was doing my dailys when it appeared in the middle of the city :D Gave us a good laughter, so I thought i should share it with you guys :) submitted by king_kadu [link] [5 [..] View

Question about an OST ingame

2:01 am, September 18, 2014 Does anyone know the theme that plays in: Eastern Thanalan- The Burning Wall? It plays during the day time, and it's pretty short. I'm having a hard time finding out the name. submitt [..] View

Hellish Claws, Possibly the coolest weapon in the game.

1:01 pm, December 22, 2013 submitted by Godzilla_Magnum [link] [3 comments] View

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