Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn, discussions and images




Terrible Hunting Guide

2:01 am, October 3, 2014 Hunting has been around for several months now, so everyone should know what the deal is. But it's apparent from my experience that this simply isn't the case. So I thought I'd [..] View

Some gardening questions.

2:01 am, September 21, 2014 I read the guides and faqs that were posted in the subreddit, but I have a couple questions. I recently bought a house and put an 8 bed patch on it. However, I completely ignored gardening for my FC, [..] View

Working Towards Soot Black...But this Hunter Green is so pretty I decided to keep it for a few days.

2:01 am, September 6, 2014 submitted by Tehalexxx [link] [27 comments] View

Chocobo Colour: Hunter Green

2:01 pm, September 4, 2014 Ah Hunter green, you elude me so. I have followed numerous posts from reddit and the official forums in my fruitless attempt to obtain this beautiful colour but I am close to my wits end. The initial [..] View

Finally got my Soot Black chocobo! (with feeding order)

2:01 am, September 2, 2014 Pic Pic2 Little bit of explanation of the feeding order listed below. "(good)" and "(fair)" is the indication of the stable condition when whatever event happened. [..] View

Any Chocobo Dyeing experts out there? Hunter Green ---> Soot Black?

2:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Been trying to get to soot black but no luck, currently sat on Hunter Green, any experts out there that know what I should feed to get it to black or at least one of the known close colours? submitte [..] View

Future Job ideas thread

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 This post is solely meant for personal views on what jobs you'd enjoy or hope to see, please no bashing peoples ideas or opinions So with a bit more talk about the upcoming expansion, and the [..] View

Morbol Green Chocobo

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 Hey guys, I saw a lot of posts to the effect of no one getting this shade yet, so here's a pic. I don't remember specifics, predominately pears, and a fair num [..] View

Is Desynth that important

2:01 pm, August 11, 2014 Spent like 20 minutes in the Q for BLM to do my Animus book. Get into Brayflox Hard, An 8 minute dungeon... So the Tank is all like, mind if I lot all the accessories solo? Everyone is like, no thanks [..] View

Tank DPS

2:01 pm, August 8, 2014 in fights where you Tank swap, what's the DPS Rotation for both PLD and WAR? In fights like turn 6 on PLD, I can only hit like 90-100...sitting at i90 on my WAR and i95 on my PLD. Right now PL [..] View

Mahisha Strike Again

2:01 am, August 3, 2014 Mahisha felt like cave hacking again and managed to lay waste to the hunters of Midgardsormr. Enjoy! submitted by Ategenos [link] [1 comment] View

Hunts: a very long guide for new-ish people

2:01 am, July 23, 2014 Hi, I noticed a lot of people in my FC didn't really know many things about hunts (or even were given false information). So I wanted to write some guide with the current information about thi [..] View

Hunts: A better way

2:01 am, July 13, 2014 The Hunt system is a great addition to the game in theory. The failure is not in the content itself, but predicting what the players would do with it. The casuals won't care much for it and wi [..] View

Want to help make the world a better place? /tell New Adventurers in town and ask if they have questions!

2:01 am, July 11, 2014 I see a lot of people complaining about the behavior of players in Duty Finder and around the game, but usually it happens because there's a social disconnect between players. There are a lot [..] View

S Rank Hunt Marks

2:01 am, July 9, 2014 So has anybody actually managed to spawn one of these? A friend of mine told me that the S mark in East Shroud could probably show up if enough people gathered together and sweeped through the area. W [..] View

About the primals

2:01 am, June 25, 2014 if they mention anything about this in the beastmen questlines let me know- i dont want to ever touch those quests. i am willing to bet that the primals are in truth Allagan experiments or something [..] View

[] New feature! Rankings based your collected minions and mounts!

2:01 am, June 20, 2014 Hey guys and gals (and guys who play gals)! I've added a new feature over at Now you can see how well you compete against other minion hunters! Check it out and let [..] View

Benefit of Crafting Log?

2:01 am, May 29, 2014 So with the Hunter's log, we get XP on every entry. What about with the Crafting Log? I understand that the more we complete the more pages and recipes we get, but is there any point to crafti [..] View

Treasure Hunters - Notable Drops From Each Map?

2:01 am, April 28, 2014 I've been doing a lot of maps lately but mostly just the ones I get while fishing other stuff. I'm curious... what are the notable drops from each map? The best I got was a dress mater [..] View

Decorative Easter Eggs: What did you get?

2:01 am, April 19, 2014 I am trying to determine before it is too late if it is worth upgrading from silver to bronze eggs. It would be nice to get some idea of the prize pool. I've read a few posts on this topic but [..] View

Tanking Ettiquette in FFXIV?

2:01 am, April 12, 2014 I would like to get an overall impression of the expected etiquette afforded to a tank and subsequently expected by the tank. I rolled a Bard (please don't stop reading) after getting to 30 I [..] View

The "New Jobs" discussion

2:01 am, April 5, 2014 My LS and I have been discussing this more since the new content came out and I've read several speculation posts here as well. Instead of more guesswork, I went over the past FF games just to [..] View

PLD Shield Experiment (Japanese)

1:01 am, March 25, 2014 Equipment: Full Myth + 1 Garuda Ring Food: La Noscean Toast Stat Allocation: + [..] View

New Class Dual Weapon Scholar: Book + Claw

1:01 am, March 16, 2014 submitted by Nitehunter [link] [4 comments] View

BLM AOE Rotation Makro

1:01 am, March 5, 2014 So someone on my Server told me to do this (picture/chat) But I am only able to cast a maximum of 2 fl [..] View

Some THM/BLM/ACN questions.

1:01 pm, March 2, 2014 Thaumaturge/Black Mage ... does it get any better? Or am I doomed to run OOM and have to switch buffs over and over and over again throughout fights. Does CC like Sleep ever get useful? I cast it once [..] View

So many Topaz Carbuncles :<

1:01 am, February 26, 2014 Just a bit of a rant, fairly warned be ye says I and all: I picked up FFXIV a few days ago when it was on sale on Steam and have been loving it. Read that tanks are in short supply (When are they not, [..] View

Just a whisper of Auron

12:15 am, February 6, 2014 submitted by thepalehunter [link] [4 comments] View

Regarding lag and this community...

1:01 pm, January 14, 2014 Sorry for the long post / rant but lurking for a long time on this subreddit I have a few opinions and information. It should go without saying that this subreddit is completely toxic. I truly believe [..] View

Antidotes not working on Aiatar's poison

1:01 pm, December 28, 2013 I thought I read antidotes would work on Aiatar's poison+1 in Brayflox's Longstop, but, well, they didn't for me tonight. Maybe it was because they're HQ, I didn't have any NQ on me to try. But plea [..] View

My Coeurl iis a little stiff...

1:01 am, December 24, 2013 submitted by ArkhamHunter [link] [9 comments] View

Minion Hunters! Wind-up Tonberry is from Treasure Hunt.

1:01 am, December 19, 2013 submitted by murfguy [link] [33 comments] View

2.1 Music Extraction?

1:01 am, December 19, 2013 Does anyone have the 2.1 music extracted and can share it? submitted by Furyhunter [link] [12 comments] View

Why SE set the land prices so high: An explanation backed by some economic theory

1:01 pm, December 15, 2013 Since there seems to be an overwhelming majority of people that are only thinking for themselves and not any concern for how economics works and how housing is going to affect every server's m [..] View

FFXIVAPP Updated (v3)

1:01 pm, November 7, 2013 Lot's of updates including a plugin for tracking your current target stats (level, hp/mp/tp/cp/gp % (even players and NPC's))... basically anything you can target. DoT's have b [..] View

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