Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn, discussions and images




How spiritbinding affects desynthing.

2:01 am, September 26, 2014 Edit: I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'm completely wrong. Thank you laststandb for correcting me. I mass synthed some rings and desynthed those which are ilvl 49 but recipe level 49, b [..] View

Troll tanks?

2:01 am, August 5, 2014 So I main an i97 PLD and recently decided to start levelling pugilist. I'm enjoying the change from tanking but I'm encountering bad tanks in almost every instance I've been in [..] View

"I was level 50 in 2.x and now I'm back for the free weekend. How do I spend my weekend?"

2:01 am, July 19, 2014 This is a guide on how to spend your limited weekend checking out the new content, for those who were level 50 when they left. Those under level 50 should just keep on leveling! Everything will indica [..] View

Connection with server was lost - Error 90002

2:01 am, July 19, 2014 I was playing like always and bum "connection with server was lost - error 90002" and now when I login is just impossible to play. My friends told me that when I'm in I have that red c [..] View

What are the Demimateria Book Contents by Craft? They're too expensive to buy all at once...

2:01 pm, July 15, 2014 Perhaps I fail at the search function, but I haven't been able to find this. I know most diehard crafters are going to tell me just get GSM, LTW, and ALC. Likely because they make our new righ [..] View

BLM 2.2 Rotation Help

2:01 pm, June 29, 2014 Hi guys, As the title indicates I am looking for some clarification on my black mage rotation. Has it changed much since the launch of the game? Because I am having a hard time finding any new guides [..] View

Bug report

2:01 am, June 9, 2014 Situation Level 50 Bard Main Scenario Quests complete Seventh Astra Era completed to Crate Go Kaboom Amdapor Keep not yet discovered Guild hests not started Hest of the Best accepted but [..] View

Toss in your two cents for melee DPS.

2:01 am, May 21, 2014 There's a bunch of things I've learned from my time as a melee DPS, I main a monk currently wearing i94 gear (RNG hasn't favored me these last few weeks in coil) and on average [..] View

Its up to all of us to make this subreddit more productive. Please, suggest QoL and game improvements here!

2:01 pm, May 19, 2014 First of all, let me make an intoduction. The main motivation to make this post is the love and passion for this game! Its absolutely amazing, stunning, beautiful and i believe the community should pl [..] View

Turn 7 kiting/add burn question(s)

2:01 am, May 15, 2014 So my static's T7 party setup is WAR, PLD, WHM, SCH, BRD (me), SMN (kiter), MNK, and DRG/BRD. For reference, we've been clearing T6 for 3 weeks now, and 3/6 of the i110 items have gone [..] View

Icons for Quests not Appearing

2:01 am, May 12, 2014 I am attempting to complete the penultimate quest for the Dragoon warrior class "Fatal Seduction" and when I want to go to the red circle where the quest is supposed to occur there is [..] View

Turn 9 Divebomb chart: Formations and which wyrms dive first

2:01 pm, May 5, 2014 The chart: This is the chart that my FC uses for T9 (and was also tested by another FC in their first win). North is indicated by 'N' on the chart. The f [..] View

Weird stuttering problems regardless of graphics settings.

1:01 pm, March 13, 2014 I've got weird stuttering, most repeatedly around vesper bay, much less so in dungeons, but a bit everywhere. doesn't seem to matter what my graphics settings are, but i do notice that [..] View

2.16 Patch Notes (Text Edition)

1:01 am, February 21, 2014 Somewhat condensed, but this should help: - Quests Alliance members will now be visible during the initial cutscene of the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Dhorme Chimera and Hydra from the quest &quot [..] View

[Wall of text] The importance of the Summoner's horn in Final Fantasy and FFXIV.

1:01 am, February 6, 2014 EDIT: I'd just like to say thank you for all the attention and fantastic discussion that this post has receive and prompted, however as many have pointed out, this thread is better titled The [..] View

Story Quest "Ul'dahn Envoy" will not advance

1:01 pm, January 29, 2014 Time:09:30am Frequency:Once World name:Hyperion Character name:Selaine Dechamberre Elezan F NPC name: Gangplank quest marker Monster name: Class/Level:Glad/16 Party or solo:Solo In-game time: approx 0 [..] View

Square Enix Support Problem

1:14 am, January 11, 2014 I had two tickets open that had been closed by whomever reviewed them. Both of them had final instructions to contact SE with more information, but neither one indicated how to do that. In fact, the s [..] View

Story Quest Issue: drowning out the voices

1:01 am, January 11, 2014 Time: 11:50pm EST Frequency: Once World name: midgardsormr Character name: Ekim Nehoc NPC name: N/A Monster name: N/A Class/Level: WHM 48 Party or solo: Solo In-game time: 2:11pm Area and coordinates: [..] View

Playing multiple characters at once

9:39 am, January 9, 2014 I was wondering if anyone else is going to multi-box and if they are encountering the same issues that I am. I have already installed my 1.0 registration code as I am a legacy member and I purchased [..] View

Fisher Acheivement log error

1:01 pm, December 28, 2013 Hello, I recently noticed that I was not awarded points for several achievements in my fishing log. Specifically "Good things come to those who bait: La Noscea IV" indicates that I ha [..] View

The Outcry Over Housing Prices

1:01 pm, December 17, 2013 For anyone that hasn't seen the section in the 2.1 patch notes, these here are the listed Dutch Auction starting prices: Starting Prices The prices will gradually fall by 0.14% every six hours [..] View

Little unannounced changes to be aware of

1:01 am, December 15, 2013 Buried in the 2.1 patch notes are little changes that are easy to miss, but may potentially affect our gameplay come patch day,. Some have been mentioned elsewhere, but here's a recap. I& [..] View

Questions about Minfilia/The Echo (story spoilers)

1:01 am, December 13, 2013 I never played 1.0 and only recently learned that Minfilia was a returning character from there. While playing the story, I wasn't sure exactly what she does in the Scions besides give the ord [..] View

FFXIV:ARR Custom Emote Macro Guide

1:01 pm, November 23, 2013 FFXIV:ARR Custom Emote Macro Guide Find FFXIVs default emotes to be lacking? This is a guide on how to create your own custom emotes using macros and chat commands. Custom emotes can be used for bette [..] View

Patrician's Crafting Gear for 100% HQ Requirements

1:01 am, November 14, 2013 So I was looking at the "Patrician Stat Cap" requests, and decided to do some calculations myself. Materia indicated by (+x) Item Craftsmanship Control CP Helm 0 (+3) 27 (+5) 0 [..] View

[Tuesday dev post roundup] FATE logs, beauty salon, more quality of life notes

1:01 am, November 6, 2013 We definitely understand that having some type of FATE journal would b [..] View

[Dev Post] More UI comments from lead Hiroshi Minagawa

1:01 am, November 5, 2013 Macros: Please make it so we can indicate up to the second decimal place [..] View

Here are the minimum stats needed to benefit from one and two star food.

1:01 am, November 3, 2013 It's pretty well known that the percent buff from one and two star foods is lower, requiring a much higher base in order to benefit. I decided to make a quick list to show the minimum stats ne [..] View

Attempt to answer BLM questions with math: 4 fire vs 5 fire and to stop casting or not to stop casting during firestarter proc

1:01 am, October 31, 2013 So there have been a lot of people wondering whether trying to go for the 251 PIE breakpoint (to be able to cast Fire III, 5 Fires, Blizzard III, and Thunder II and be left with 7 MP) is worth it. Als [..] View

SCH Fairy Testing

2:01 am, October 23, 2013 Every Scholar wants to know exactly how much their stats affect Eos and Selene, so I figured I would run some tests and see at various stat levels for Weapon Damage, MND, DET and CRIT (Speed is too di [..] View

Quest based levelling

2:01 am, October 14, 2013 Hi guys, I'm looking to get my first combat class to 50 and I keep getting stuck progressing with the main story quests because I'm not high enough level. I've stopped to FATE [..] View

Glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

2:01 am, October 9, 2013 I was planning on responding to the "Need help with abbreviations" thread, but I ended up writing so much on the matter, it ended up being more of a glossary of terminology rather th [..] View

Caster Damage Formula Testing/Stat Weights

2:01 pm, October 8, 2013 I've been doing some testing to try and determine the caster damage formula, inspired by the discussion on bluegartr (I believe?) where they claimed to have determined the melee damage formula [..] View

Looking for an old reddit post

2:01 pm, October 5, 2013 I remember seeing another redditor asking fpr a map which indicate the zone level, someone provided the link. I thought I saved the post but turned out I didn't and I cannot seem to find it. A [..] View

Server Lag (not due to routing!)

2:01 pm, October 2, 2013 Hey guys! Bought the game a couple of days ago, been able to log into Ultros pretty consistently, but have been plagued by the omnipresent lag to the point of unplayability. In game, my outbound laten [..] View

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