Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn, discussions and images




the silky associates

2:01 am, September 21, 2014 Hey guys, so as im sure everyones done the dragon quest event and managed to encounter the ever so **** silky associates in ul'dah, its gotten me to want to glamour their look before the event [..] View

Initial thoughts from a casual Guild Wars 2 player (My first real experience with a traditional MMO)

2:01 pm, August 7, 2014 The only MMO I've really ever gotten into was Guild Wars 2. Ive tried a few other MMOs, but none of them really hooked me quite like GW2 did. Since getting used to GW2s action game kind of fee [..] View

Glowing Gear

2:01 am, June 25, 2014 submitted by Reivax79 [link] [25 comments] View

Question for Macbook/Bootcamp players - performance issues

1:01 am, November 24, 2013 Hi all, I have a PC for most of my gaming time, but a couple of days a week I'm away from home and I have a Macbook Pro (Sep 2012 model) running bootcamp to play the game. During beta and a couple o [..] View

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