Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn, discussions and images




Can't pass on loot after hitting a roll option - a real ***** for fat-fingering the loot window in CT

2:01 pm, October 9, 2014 This whole CT system... you accidentally roll anything other than pass, you're an owner. Congratulations! Now wait til next week! I can't be the only one thinking this needs fixed. Now [..] View

Terrible Guide to Pharos Sirius

2:01 am, October 6, 2014 Ahoy all! This is Tiny Fey's Sirius guide to Pharos Terribilis, told from the healer point-of-view. Its probably pretty easy to generalize these techniques to any job (except Monk -- more on t [..] View

Need some SMN DPS help in T8

2:01 am, September 25, 2014 hey everyone, a retro thanks to the advice on the T7 I asked a couple weeks ago. We finally managed to figure out where we were "off" and how to stop the renaud RNG! Anyway I have a [..] View

Who thinks we need a new Gaius?

2:01 am, September 15, 2014 Just as the tittle says. We have been fighting unnatural (or maybe natural) forces, like the primals and some ancient technology like everything guarding the coils, but I'm pretty sure we are [..] View

Thinking Scholar, scared cause I play on PS4/Controller

2:01 am, September 15, 2014 I am a console gamer born and raised. I used to druid heal on World of Warcraft, and it took a good chunk of time to understand the m/kb combo. I love playing A Realm Reborn on my PS4 using my control [..] View

Has nayone lose the emergency password before?

2:01 pm, August 24, 2014 So i got a new phone yesterday and i forgot to transfer the data over from my security token. Naturally they are closed all weekend so i plan on getting in touch with them tomorrow. how hard is it to [..] View

Tracking Fishing Catches

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 So I've been speed leveling my DoL classes, trying to get them all to level 50 and geared so I can supply myself when it comes time to level my DoH crafting classes. Currently working on Fishe [..] View

Seriously considering jumping on the bandwagon. Need a NA server with a healthy population (mid-high).

2:01 pm, August 9, 2014 Hey guys, I started my trial a couple of days ago, I'm enjoying the game... however I seem to have chosen a server with a rather low population according to and my perception... I [..] View

FFXIV freezes up when alt-tabbing from windowed mode

2:01 am, August 3, 2014 Hello! The past few months I've had this issue that is becoming increasingly more frequent. I run FFXIV in windowed mode, since I tend to have skype text conversations going all the time and I'd [..] View

How can I be a better WAR?

2:01 am, July 25, 2014 Hi all, So I main PLD and have since launch, and while it's a great job I feel it's a bit lacking in depth sometimes. I've had WAR to 50 since close to the beginning too but co [..] View

So you're having trouble Ramuh Extreme!

2:01 am, July 22, 2014 When the patch hit I spent a lot of time pugging Ramuh EX and testing a lot of different ideas and strategies. Since I haven't seen too many guides that go into detail with how this fight play [..] View

An idea just came to me regarding hunts and unused content

2:01 am, July 18, 2014 Since people are (naturally) drawn to hunt for the insane rewards (sands), why don't they add a 2nd weekly primal focus quest that has you **** levi, mog and ramuh ex with the reward being a b [..] View

"Login" button on the launcher doesn't work at all anymore

2:01 pm, July 15, 2014 My game crashed while experiencing a problem very similiar to the one that the user "Forgottenesper" had (Link), before this event everything was working fine but now not. Basically, t [..] View

Experiments in post-processing: FFXIV in black & white

2:01 pm, July 14, 2014 So yeah, this happened. I'm really fascinated with photography and filmmaking, or more specifically, the visual stylings of film, so I've been doing a lot of experimenting with SweetFX [..] View

Dear Square Enix...

2:01 am, July 6, 2014 Im gonna put this here cuz i dont see where else it could fit. This is kind of a request: If I delete someone from my friends list, its because I dont want anything to do with that person, so natu [..] View

To all the tanks out there

2:01 pm, June 30, 2014 Thank you. I've recently been levelling a Gladiator with the aim of becoming a Paladin (I main a Bard), and I've realised just how annoying it is to: Have DPS pull before you' [..] View

Skipping Atma books?

2:01 am, June 26, 2014 Hi All, So last weekend I finished my white mage Animus, but I wish I would've tested something first. I wonder if someone else already has and can chime in. After finishing your final Atma en [..] View

[Discussion] What Makes a Good Static/Raid Leader?

2:01 am, June 20, 2014 So, we had a good discussion on what made a good static/raid member a couple days ago, and one point many people brought up is that the static/raid leader has more responsibilities, and/or a different [..] View

The true design of Ul'dah is naturalistic: Did you catch it?

2:01 am, June 18, 2014 submitted by Nooblix [link] [20 comments] View

FF14 ARR Expansion and the millennia storyline.

2:01 am, June 18, 2014 Im quite aware that details of the first expansion are very few, but i have a question that i would like reddit users to merely give opinions or educated guesses on. First is this : Well, naturally we [..] View

Monk end game questions

2:01 pm, June 8, 2014 Hello I am a ilvl96 monk with a question regarding DPS on turn 6. Usually my DPS is quite high(consistently past 300) but t6 shows a massive drop where I barely hit 150. And secondly on blighted bouqu [..] View

Account Payment Methods.

2:01 am, June 6, 2014 Hi. I am sorry for my awful English beforehand. I didn't know where to exactly post this thread but i tried to find the most relevant forum for my problem to be addressed. I am from the middle east; [..] View

Anyone else this stupid? I just blew 300k (all I had) on this.

2:01 pm, May 20, 2014 So, I'm playing the game, and I've really been enjoying. Level a Warrior to 50 this week, and just starting to delve into the crazier content. Naturally, I stumble upon the relic quest [..] View

Question regarding BC T8 allagan field, defensive maneuvers, and towers

2:01 am, May 14, 2014 Our group has been noticing some strange things happening w/ the Allagan field and Defensive Maneuvers timing. Sometimes it seems that the Allagan field will go off before defensive maneuvers tower ac [..] View

My solution to gil spam

2:01 pm, May 10, 2014 There was a crazy influx of new gil spammers the other day on Exodus, causing many people (including myself) to enter a "busy" status to avoid their spam. Being a programmer, I natur [..] View

FFXIV & SE E3 Expectations

2:01 am, May 9, 2014 News is a bit slow today so I figured I'd stir up some discussion. Currently I'm sure we're all aware of the larger segment of the gaming populous expecting SE to announce some [..] View

The Myths of Eorzean Economics

2:01 am, May 4, 2014 Undercutting is wrong and it's bad for the economy. The number one advantage of capitalism is that when it works it is the best system for determining the price of goods and services. In con [..] View

So, you're using the DF for turn 2... No Bard, but 2 WHM... Here's how to do the enrage method.

2:01 am, April 27, 2014 This method requires 2 WHM. I'm not sure if it can be done with 1 scholar in the group or not, as I'm not familiar with the Job. That being said... This method can be done with any gro [..] View

What are some of your favorite details in FFXIV?

2:01 am, April 21, 2014 Whether it's graphical, or little gameplay mechanics, or sound, what are some details that you really appreciate in this game? Here's some of mine: I know some other games do this too [..] View

Did the Allagan Empire seal Silvertear Lake?

2:01 am, April 20, 2014 Lore question/speculation The Primals were clearly around at the same time as the Allagan Empire- the Allagan built Ultima Weapon to fight the Primals and ultimately sealed Bahamut inside Dalamud. How [..] View

Looking for housing advice - How to kitchen?

2:01 pm, April 17, 2014 Heya. We've recently gotten our medium sized house, and decorating it has been a blast. We would like to have something that has some semblance of a kitchen, but the task has been proving a l [..] View

Flying to be introduced in the first expansion

2:01 am, April 10, 2014 Not sure if any of you read the translated letter from the producer notes: But if you [..] View

T7 Groups Take It Easy On Your Bard

2:01 pm, April 9, 2014 going into turn 7. from my experience so far. it is by far the hardest "kite" mechanics in the entire game. naturally its the bards responsibility to kite. elitist bullies called me [..] View

Discussion: What are your thoughts on the direction of gear progression? Good Night Sweet Darklight

1:01 pm, March 11, 2014 I've been spending a lot of time levelling alts and I had a really good conversation with a fate group I ended up spending several hours with. 2.2 became the main topic but after a while gear [..] View

Error 2002, it's returned...

1:01 am, March 7, 2014 I recently paid for a month's subscription after my free month was up. I logged in this evening after being inactive for a day or two (Work getting pretty hectic) and I logged in today, had ab [..] View

Official forums Post compendium

1:01 pm, February 25, 2014 Excuse me if the format is wrong, I have never used reddit before. I stick mainly to forums. Posts are back to just before 2.16 content. If I have missed something, please let me know. I'll up [..] View

Twintania Twister Phase - Progress question

1:01 pm, February 24, 2014 So we finally managed to get consistently to Twintania phase 4 last night. We naturally had some issues with Twisters and Dreadknights but I'm confident that we will overcome this come next ra [..] View

I have a question about...lore, I suppose? How was Limsa Lominsa built?

1:01 am, February 21, 2014 I noticed this rock jutting from the bridge. Why would a rock be embedded in the bridge? I guess the bridge was carved from the rock. Maybe that chunk was stubborn and so they left it, or something. A [..] View

2/21 Game Watch Interview with Yoshi-P (Part 2): Looking back at 2.1 contents, discussion of 2.2 features and beyond

1:01 am, February 21, 2014 Because I'm really bored. Same format as the post from yesterday. Looking back at 2.1 Felt really bad about the FATE freque [..] View

How Do I Change What Service Account I'm Logging Into?

1:01 pm, February 20, 2014 As title. Should be simple enough. Due to a snafu that support has decided not to resolve, I find myself with two service accounts: The original standard account, and a collector's edition account. [..] View

Server R0 / S0 in Instances - Just started happening

1:01 am, February 19, 2014 To: FF14 Dev Team, Not sure what happened, but the past week, all the Primal Instances that I've gotten into (Titan Extreme (The Navel (Extreme)), even Titan Hard Mode, etc. have been plagued with ei [..] View

So, let's try and make this a thing. A weekly lore post! Fire away with any lore-related questions you have!

1:01 am, February 16, 2014 I find myself chiming in any time a lore-related post pops up here in the subreddit, and I figured it might not be a bad idea to just have a weekly thread for any lore-related questions people might h [..] View

These are some tips for anyone who wants to get into pvp without feeling the frustration of getting steamrolled by Rank 30's in full i90 pvp gear.

1:01 am, February 10, 2014 I made the same exact comment in another pvp thread but since that one got buried I've made a new one in hopes for more visibility. This is a general guide to anyone at any level who wants to [..] View

SMNers and Parsers

1:01 am, February 8, 2014 Alright this was something I've been thinking about given the nature of parsers. I was in a Full I90 party for Titan EX, (Took 3 tries but we did it relatively quickly, naturally) and one of t [..] View

The Blame Game.

1:01 am, February 8, 2014 This is a rant, as well as an observation. I've done Ultima HM loads of times. I know the fight backwards and forwards and have done it so many times in fact the entire instance feels pretty [..] View

The Misfortune of Trying to Start FFXIV

12:01 pm, February 6, 2014 Alright, I'll start off saying I use limited internet, so most of my attempts to install this game were from torrented clients found on reddit, but when I installed them, it'd load the game up, giv [..] View

[Wall of text] The importance of the Summoner's horn in Final Fantasy and FFXIV.

1:01 am, February 6, 2014 EDIT: I'd just like to say thank you for all the attention and fantastic discussion that this post has receive and prompted, however as many have pointed out, this thread is better titled The [..] View

Garuda EX Warrior MT - Phase 3 Wicked Wheel Advice

1:01 am, February 4, 2014 Hello, I am a Warrior MT, and have i90 Myth, with a few exceptions of accessories due to Accuracy; I eat food to make up what I currently don't have. Anyway, I digress, I've been attem [..] View

[Theory] Frontal, Flank, and Rear positions have seperate accuracy caps.

1:01 pm, February 1, 2014 So, over the past several weeks i have been noticing people posting a lot of different accuracy caps for melee dps in Coil. I was generally confused at first but then i just figured each turn had a se [..] View

2.15 Patch Notes

1:01 pm, January 21, 2014 Patch 2.15 has gone live, introducing a number of additions and refinements to the Wolves' Den, FATEs, the Crystal Tower, and much more. Playable Content Quests By defeating the numerous ra [..] View

New player - Feeling very overwhelmed

1:01 am, January 20, 2014 Hi, I've been playing for just over 3 weeks now, got a level 35 Gladiator. I am in a Free Company, and I like to read the posts on this subreddit, and I see a lot of people talking about thing [..] View

Further Server and System Improvements, Part 2

7:05 pm, January 9, 2014 Further Server and System Improvements, Part 2 In this post I would like to update you on the progress seen since extended maintenance completed on September 12thincluding the implementation of a thir [..] View

Geforce GTX 650

12:51 pm, January 9, 2014 I'm having some framerate issues in the game. The game feels incredibly laggy I put everything on low as I could and it still feels laggy. I dont have a supercomputer but I feel it should be able to r [..] View

System lockup since last client patch.

1:01 am, January 9, 2014 Hi, I have a new an irritating problem that seems to have started happening since the last client patch. I don't remember the date, but within the last couple of weeks. If there was a patch today, t [..] View

Ideas for diversifying FATE spawning parameters; not only timed/random spawn timing of FATEs, but...

1:01 am, January 4, 2014 ...what if several (new) FATEs could be spawned at will by fulfilling certain requirements at any time? The more people join, the faster it's spawned. Instead of having solo-quests and multi-p [..] View

Best Battlecraft Escort Leves for Grinding

1:01 pm, December 30, 2013 So, I thought it would be nice to list some of the better leves for grinding alts. Two really easy (and fast) escort leves I've been using are "One of our Naturalists is Missing& [..] View

I'm an idiot, and just bought an extra product key for FFXIV.

1:01 am, December 30, 2013 So, long story short, I was impatient and bought an extra code for FFXIV. So, since the rest of my friends already have a copy, I have no one to give it to, and there's nothing I can use it fo [..] View

Bug in the Crystal Tower.

1:01 pm, December 24, 2013 So we just beat Bone Dragon, and my Alliance's chest ends up with the Royal Sash item, yeah? Being a Summoner and whatnot, I have no use for that Healer equipment. I tried to click Pass but it [..] View

Revenants Toll Quest: Heart Of Cerment

1:01 am, December 24, 2013 Hi, Time: 22:47 UK Frequency: Always World name: Masamune (JP Legacy) Character name: Mithrie Menethil NPC name: Guolgeim Monster name: n/a Class/Level: Bard 50 Party or solo: solo In-game [..] View

How can I disable the cut scenes ?

1:01 am, December 23, 2013 1 thing that really irritates me is the combat cut scenes. When some pop out and others don't it hinders the quality of the game. No matter how much u ask people at the start- people are people- natur [..] View

And they said dragoons would never get a PET Dragoon Well look at me now!

1:01 pm, December 22, 2013 submitted by NaturalPheneomenon [link] [20 comments] View

Designing your UI & Keybind Methodology for a better game experience

1:01 pm, December 4, 2013 Hello everyone, I popped in on another thread. Looked like there was some actual interest in how I was setting up my UI, so I decided to make my own post. UI Imgur Marked up Imgur Notes Imgur Edit: Ad [..] View

Controller Latency/Spam/I don't know what to call this issue

1:01 am, December 4, 2013 Hey guys! So I've been playing FFXIV: ARR for a while now (since Beta 3) and it is an absolutely wonderful game that gets better with every single patch and hotfix that comes out. Though I have [..] View

Dragoon 5/5 Myth armor all those weeks payed off

1:01 pm, December 3, 2013 submitted by NaturalPheneomenon [link] [63 comments] View

[Fun thread!] Time Mage, premier caster tank!

1:01 pm, November 25, 2013 Alright, look. It's 6:30 in the morning, haven't slept and a little loopy. Passing the time by dicking around and trying my hand at this whole 'fan class ideas' thing. [..] View

FFXIV:ARR Custom Emote Macro Guide

1:01 pm, November 23, 2013 FFXIV:ARR Custom Emote Macro Guide Find FFXIVs default emotes to be lacking? This is a guide on how to create your own custom emotes using macros and chat commands. Custom emotes can be used for bette [..] View

[Dev Post] More UI comments from lead Hiroshi Minagawa

1:01 am, November 5, 2013 Macros: Please make it so we can indicate up to the second decimal place [..] View

Unusual lag? cant craft using macros or anything skill related

1:01 am, November 2, 2013 i have been on the exodus server and trying to craft and the lag is getting so bad that i cant use macros for crafting submitted by NaturalPheneomenon [link] [9 comments] View

[Dev Post] Reply to PS3 users can NOT use "focus target" thread

1:01 am, October 31, 2013 It's not possible to use focus targets on the PS3 version, will this be [..] View

Excessive Screen Tearing on High End PC

1:01 am, October 31, 2013 I'm running across ALOT of excessive screen tearing. I've tried enabling V-Sync in Nvidia settings and I've tried a lot of things but still nothing as worked. I run the game on Max settings I have [..] View

Sapphy's Semi-Advanced Macro Tips

2:01 pm, October 26, 2013 Disclaimer : A lot of people don't like using too many macros, and feel they can make you a lazy player or less able to react to situations needing more precise skill use. These macro tips and [..] View

Warrior DPS Legit? An Experiment (Comparison vs Monk)

2:01 am, October 24, 2013 I did a little experiment, beating on Training dummies in Coerthas. The purpose was to gauge the damage output of a Warrior wearing a DPS set and compare it to the damage output of a dedicated DPS cla [..] View

Mouse behavior disgusting after patch

2:01 pm, October 18, 2013 I have two controllers that I use with my PC when playing some games with my family. Ever since the patches this week, I am experiencing horrible mouse behavior while Final Fantasy 14 is running, and [..] View

Window flickering and whiting out

2:01 pm, October 18, 2013 I have been experiencing numerous technical difficulties with Final Fantasy 14 after the patches this week. This one began a few days ago and has not stopped with the hot fixes. I play FF14 windowed [..] View

Unknown cause of consistent lag

2:01 am, October 10, 2013 Here's my issue: It is impossible to move out of AEs unless if I'm constantly running around. It feels like everything I do is delayed, instant casts, healing/dmg registering, moments, even animations [..] View

low benchmark score

2:01 am, October 6, 2013 I just got a new graphics card and after running the bench i got a low core of 1117(was higher when i had my old one). Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2 [..] View

Benchmark results from 2012 Macbook Air 13" Intel 4000HD

2:01 pm, October 4, 2013 Can I get feedback on this? I think I'll be ok to run some or most of FFXIV environments like crafting and some other stuff. I am currently on PS3 but if I travel. Framerate is low, but for cr [..] View

Account hacked, now getting error 3102

2:01 am, September 29, 2013 Friend told me my character was spamming in town, so I changed my info. Currently I can't log in due to error code 3102. Naturally I assume it was banned, though I received no email. I'd call or chat [..] View

A question regarding materia conversion.

2:02 pm, September 26, 2013 I browse this sub everyday and have yet to see a post discussing this and when I search google, the only hits I get describe the bare bones mechanics that have either been explained in-game or I&# [..] View

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